Monday, September 1, 2008


So um hi.
I had a cupcake for breakfast this morning.
I don't even want to weigh myself after the last few days I've had at family reunions and the food. Oh God. All the food.

I feel like a fraud who shouldn't even be contributing to this blog, as I clearly am not even trying. ;(

I'm sorry. I love you all.
I promise that today (post-cupcake) is a brand new day and I am filled with a renewed sense of conviction.

I WILL beat this! I will come up with some sort of exercise regime. And I will attempt to at least try to eat a carrot or something before I resort to cupcakes!



MissE said...

You are not a fraud!

We're each at a different point on the path, Princess. You can do this. We can all do this.

And it isn't like I"m doing this "perfectly." Hell, last week I ate WAAAAAAAY too much chocolate. I'm talking a couple of large blocks worth. And I felt like such a loser, like I was letting everyone down with every piece I shoved in my gob. But I kept shoving until it was gone.

What we all need to do is not be so hard on ourselves. If we slip, if we have a bad day/week/month, we just need to get back up on the 'horse' and go forward for what we want.



ps - I hope that doesn't all sound condescending or preachy... it isn't meant to. I just don't want you to give up on you.

Princess of the Universe said...

Thanks honey - no that didn't sound preachy at all!

Anonymous said...

Mah, so you had a cup cake. You didn't have three or four, so I wouldn't worry about it.

I was always tell myself: at least you stopped. :) it's important to find the silver lining in all things!!

you'll get there babe.

phishez said...

One cupcake isn't going to kill you. In fact, if its just one, it will probably make your life that little bit easier.

Last week I even had icecream. And it was soooo good.

Honestly, its probably better than not having breakfast too. But I wouldn't do it every day. Breakfast for me is normally two pieces of plain toast and a coffee. I'm not a morning person and my stomach is no different.

The Mutant said...

I've found that when I'm trying to improve my eating habits, two things have really stood out.

1. Convenience. If you have cupcakes, chocolate and chips in the house you will eat them without fail, because they are easy. If you purge all that rubbisha nd have a supply of fresh fruit and veg to snack on you'll happily eat that instead, and not feel nearly as guilty either!

2. Moderation. So you had a cupcake, it's no big deal, if you can stop at one then that's usually enough to stop any wild cravings, and with time you'll find you're craving a sweet, juicy apple or something instead. Don't destroy yourself over one small snack, keep looking at the big picture!