Friday, August 15, 2008


So the gym is going quite well. Its been a week and I've been five days, for an hour or so each time.

It was difficult to begin with. I hurt. It was easy to get to sleep but difficult to get up in the morning.

Went to the gym pretty much straight after work. I felt tired, but good. Attempted to go to dance class after and had an epic fail. I was tripping over my own feet. Decided to drop all but Monday night classes and concentrate on the gym instead. My dance instructor was ok with it. I'm cutting out of a class that's just started, and he doesn't usually let people do that. Had to go home and cook rice for tomorrows dinner and didn't get to bed til late. Absolutely exhausted.

Absolutely stuffed all day. Went to gym as per usual. In bed a bit earlier.

Very difficult to get out of bed this morning. I had chips with lunch. So had to do extra cardio. It hurt and I hated it. I despise the cross trainer and always jump on it first, just to get it out of the way. From here on in, I'll have to weigh up my options - I can have nasties, but only if I do extra cardio. I don't think it will be really worth it most times, so will be an effective deterrent.

The gym seems to becoming a habit. I may not want to walk out the door, but once I have my (gay, dorky) backpack on, its automatic. Plus when I get there its all on autopilot. I'm beginning to see how gym junkies work.

Didn't feel like eating when I got home, but made myself a small meal of peri-peri marinated chicken and steamed broccoli and carrots. Very late to bed. Won't want to get out of bed tomorrow.

Out of bed fine today. Must say I was surprised. I think I'm starting to get used to the work out. Had a banana whilst running around getting ready for work, and then some toast when I got to work. My arm hurts most of the day from chest presses. I'm still trying to figure out which weight works best for me. Also good news - no muffin top today!!! Granted it is in yesterdays jeans, so they might have stretched a little.

No gym tonight. I wanted to go, but I know I need to give my body a rest. I feel a little guilty. My other rest day will be Mondays, when I'm at dance class.

In bed by early/normal time.

Difficult to get out of bed this morning. But I guess that might be because its Friday and I just want to sleep.

Had a session with the personal trainer tonight. Jumped on the scales pre warm up. Lost 0.0kg. I was a bit disappointed after the amount of work I'd been doing, but as I type this I'm stoked. Did a bit of boxing, some interval training and then sit ups. The sit ups were an epic fail. EPIC. But we were laughing most of the way through, and it was really fun.


Princess of the Universe said...

That's amazing that you've done that! Sorry that you have to give up dance class though, you couldn't alternate the two? I mean dance is still exercise right?

MissE said...

Give up dance?
Awwwwww... I'm with the Princess - isn't dance exercise?

And you are a legend for going to the gym so regularly. Totally setting an awesome example for me to follow.

Anonymous said...

good for you phishey and I'm always here cheering you on the side lines!

I'm really impressed that you did all that, it puts all my excuses to shame! keep going and you might even get me totally motivated :)

The Mutant said...

Hey there chicky! Just thought I'd pop in and say hi and see how it's all going. Already I'd say you'd been wildly successful as rather than just talking about it you're actually doing something about it. You go sista-girl friend *snaps fingers and does that bizarre neck thing* and congrats on the first 0.9Kg. Do you have any established targets per week? I'll be sure to check in again soon to cheer you on some more!